Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Two little boys

There have been many many words written, spoken and filmed about the late night phone calls made by Messrs Brand & Ross to Andrew Sachs answer machine.
What started as a puerile school boy prank (with only two "at the time" complaints) has snow balled into a media feeding frenzy, which has resulted in both being suspended by the BBC and tonight Brand resigning from the Corporation.
What they did was stupid and insensitive, but containable if it had never been broadcast, which the BBC had the ability to achieve. Once, however, it did go out (and what was the person making that decision thinking of?) the two perpetrators had the misfortune to tap into a feeling increasingly held, that attitudes and language on the BBC had got out hand. I have enjoyed some of Ross's guest on his TV show, but his (and his guests) constant swearing does get boring after a while. Lets be honest, it's not big or clever. Their actions have now become the catalyst for 27000 (and counting) complaints and for the BBC to decide that as a publicly funded broadcaster they have standards to up keep and that actually this was their chance to take a stand. Hence the suspensions and Brands resignation.
I doubt either will be missed from our TV's for long, as commercial TV will snap them both up quickly (I'm assuming Ross will leave the BBC as well). They may find, however, that it will be not appearing on Radio that will harm them most. There just isn't an alternative to BBC Radio and in both cases their radio shows under pinned the TV appearances they made. Even in the digital age Ross or Brand on Capital radio or Virgin will have 10% of their Radio 2 shows.
Silly silly boys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Brand never made another appearance anywhere in the world ever again I, for one, would be FAR from disappointed. An unfunny one-trick pony IMHO.

Ross however surprises me in this affair. I thought he was a savvy broadcaster just falling on the right side of the "cheeky" fence all the time, but this act of stupidity seems unnecessarily mean.

I'll predict JR will remain with the Beeb but given something of a shorter leash.

Little pink houses

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