Tuesday 4 March 2008

Express yourself

Right, I'm going to try and blog every day! Let's see how long that lasts?

While filling up with petrol today, I noticed that two papers still had Princess Di on their cover, years after her death. Now I know that there is an inquest going on and there have been "revelations" revealed almost every minute of the day. (Examples - Di had a boyfriend before Dodi, she was/wasn't pregnant/engaged/happy/a martian*) BUT does putting her on the cover still increase the circulation as we all dive into the newsagents to buy the Express/Mail 'cos she's on the front? I really really hope not, but I fear that actually it still does. Maybe after the inquest it'll all die down.....

So lets see, as I've got her on my cover will my circulation figures get to oh... I don't know.....5?

*just in case there any readers of the Express reading this I made that up, so no need to check all the back editions stored in the attic.

1 comment:

IGMS said...

I am reminded of

"Dando died, Di died, Dodi died, Dido is crapping herself"

Beautiful country

 David Batt (no relation to Mike!) is better known as the artist David Sylvian. I use that description deliberately as besides being a singe...