Saturday 27 September 2008

Take that to the bank

The global banking crisis is effecting everybody it appears and I have tried twice to write a blog that expresses my feelings..but nothing I can say seems to hit the nail on the head.

I just don't think that we should overlook the fact that however bad the current situation is (and it is bad), the cost to the US taxpayer of the conflicts in Iraq & Afghanistan is predicted to be c$752billion by the end of the year. No one seems to be mentioning that and the impact that the hole that has created is also having on the US spending plans.


Anonymous said...

No one seems to be mentioning that and the impact that the hole that has created is also having on the US spending plans.

The what hole?

The hole currently in the White House?

It's all v.scary here at present

Anonymous said...

Paul says...
Just great ,and now the dear old USofA finally decide to make their feelings known about Mr President and the rest of the world suffers because of it. Why couldn't they vote against him on something that doesn't screw all of us! PLEASE NOTE, this is not an anti-steve post - it's a "Sort it out please Uncle Sam" post.

Anonymous said...

I never took it as an 'anti-steve' post at all. I don't blame you for thinking the way you do. It IS scary here, but the entire country revolves around nothing else BUT money, so I suspect some kind of plan will be palatable to the majority soon. The BIGGER question though is "what's next?" and what drain "what's next" will THEN place on a budget that has already been stretched to bursting point by GWB's insane war policies. Remember, when he came to office, the USA had a bloomin' SURPLUS!

Beautiful country

 David Batt (no relation to Mike!) is better known as the artist David Sylvian. I use that description deliberately as besides being a singe...